50 Year Reunion



The 50th Reunion is over and it was a great success! The energy, laughter and renewed friendships all contributed to a wonderful weekend. We have added a new section "50th Reunion Pictures" under the section Class Pictures for you to be able to share your pictures from the weekend. 

The website will remain active for the next few years and we encourage everyone to keep in touch until our next reunion! 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Tyler Hunt at thunt@huntsys.com

Thanks again to everyone who contributed to making this 50th Reunion a memorable event. 

The Reunion Committee


Bette Borden Felton

Bob Ball

Catharine Hooper

Charlie Rogerson

Christina Orth

Donna Mulford Moren

Frank Haswell

Gary Lion

Georgie Mosher

Gevenie Delsol

Karen Wenger Fleschler

Kathryn Kasch

Larry Singer

Linda Ingalls

Meg Crosby

Nancy Haselden Olsen

Rob Ingalls

Sue Watts Nicholson

Susie Parsons Towle

Terry Learner Sarver

Tina Cole Kreitz

Tyler Hunt

Velda Egan